Montag, 13. Juli 2009

apple core

long time no entry... last week just finished the last tests and now i'm relaxing and hope for good marks^^... yeah nothing really special.. just some good days and some bad days... mixed up to a mixture called life...
just want sometimes the sea to swallow me with its hands into his deep blue to be far away from the sobriety on earth,
or the sky to open his clouds like a door to make me enter a world without thinking of every nonsense, sick-making things on earth,
or i'd wish the nature would devour my body with its maw to make me like it-self and give this balance in oneself with everything and just to lay in peace..
yeah just texting... i wonder it's almost poetic o.O.. kinda influenced by Goethe <3

good night to everybody... curlicue...
and *goingtosleep*

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